SZCZECIŃSKA SZKOŁA WYŻSZA COLLEGIUM BALTICUM founded in 2000 is continuously ranked as one of the best private universities in northern Poland. It is characterized by great human capital and huge development potential. School authorities have managed to build an institution that gives its students a solid education and thus a great start to their professional life. It is desired to provide young adults with knowledge comprising many fields so that they can receive an interdisciplinary education providing them with a better chance on the difficult labour market both in Poland and internationally.
Presently, Collegium Balticum employs over 100 academic teachers, trainers, researchers and administrative personnel and educates over 2000 young people and adults. The current educational structure includes the following faculties: educational science, psychopedagogy, elementary pedagogy, entrepreneurship, foreign language studies, national security, IT at
BA, MA levels as well as post-graduate studies in teaching methodology, business, management.
A significant part of research work is the dissemination of the institution’s outputs and the exchange of experiences through conferences and seminars. Collegium Balticum plays an important role in the local educational system with training for teachers, school managers and other educators.
Collegium Balticum’s intention is also to cooperate with local authorities, associations, public organizations and institutions in order to provide thematic workshops and seminars and to attract target different groups.
According to the project’s idea, Collegium Balticum provides studies in educational science (pedagogy), so we teach future teachers how to teach and how to develop their competencies. As the same as a regular studies institution provides postgraduate studies so the teachers can improve their competencies once they graduate/work already. Within daily work, CB organises seminars, workshops etc. on the role of the teacher. Teachers in CB can improve their competences, they are doing research, they can publish their articles in our scientific period, they can participate directly in EU projects that Collegium Balticum realises.
Our employees are experienced in the field of educational psychology and publish their articles in Collegium Balticum periodical Scientific Papers. The aim of this publication is to disseminate knowledge within a wider audience. Every year Collegium Balticum Pedagogy faculty choose one theme. Professors make some researchers on this theme from different perspectives, not only pedagogical. They meet once a month at the seminar and talk about the theme through. Articles made on this basis are published in one book. The character of the articles is accessible for students.
We organize different workshops, debates at national and international level within Collegium Balticum activity and European educational projects.
We publish different informative materials (books, journals, papers ) in the field of law and pedagogy within Collegium Balticum activity and within European educational projects at national and international level Collegium Balticum provides studies at the faculty of pedagogy at BA and MA levels. General courses provided within this faculty are sociology, psychology, methodology, didactics and other. Students are choosing also specific courses according to four specializations that they can realize:
- Preschool and early school education
- Pedagogical therapy
- Childcare pedagogy
- Prevention of pathology and social risks
Since 2016 Collegium Balticum provides new faculty: Special Pedagogy; the lecturers teach future teachers how use of the Multisensory techniques enable students to use their personal areas of strength to help them learn and how to work with students with special needs.
We are cooperating in different Erasmus+ projects dedicated to students, for example:
- Brave New Words- which is Erasmus+, KA2 project that aims to increase the quality of the educational and “caregiving” process of staff working with people with SpLD as same as provide proper tools to teachers, trainers and other staff members for working with people with SpLD. Everything to increase the quality of the learning process to people with SpLD.
- iYOUTH- Empowering Europe’s Young Innovators- The Desire to Innovate (project number 2016-1-RO01-KA201-024399)- which is Erasmus+, KA2 project that aims to carry out practical experimentation with the creation of innovation interest, skills and capacity in early schooling, including developing appropriate methodologies and assessment approaches
- CHRIS- Countering Human RADICALISATION in School- (project number 2016-1-DK01-KA201-022301)- which is Erasmus+, KA2 project that aims to reduce the production of radicalization potential trough creating robust, resilient and capable personalities based on solid life-wide narratives, identities and missions by providing including and exciting didactics, work forms and learning approaches in early schooling.
- STEMS ‘Supporting Teachers and Immigrant Students at School’ (project number 2016-1-TR01-KA201-034681) aims to promote a more inclusive education system and lead to a decrease in the achievement gap between pupils with and without a migrant background. Project will also develop teachers’ skills in multilingual and intercultural pedagogy and will foster parents involvement.

Beata Mintus
Beata Mintus is presently holding a position of project manager responsible for project management, coordination of territorial aspects of project implementation; She graduated university in Poland (Szczecin) and she works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. She speaks English fluently.
Anna Kowalik-Conder
Lecturer at the university; She graduated PhD in the field of pedagogy. She is involved as main researcher in two KA2 Erasmus+ projects: DIGITAL-s and Count me In and she also provides courses and seminars for youth about globalization and international politics.
Iwona Knitter
Iwona Knitter is a psychologist working in the court. She has direct contact with youth and deals with identity and social orientation. She is the main researcher for MESSAGE project, Erasmus + KA2 (project number: 2015-1-TR01-KA201-021664) and she is a researcher for CHRIS project, Erasmus + KA2 (project number: 2016-1- DK01-KA201-022301). She has collaborated with SSW Collegium Balticum since 2012.