About Project
Manual of Good Practices
Training Program for Students in Primary School (6- to 10- year-old)
Training Program for Teachers in Primary School
Guidebook for parents How to support the Happiness training at home
How to motivate students through a virtual character in the classroom
Happy children and students
This project will be based on objectives such as collecting good practices from schools and creating a booklet with best practices in social and emotional training at EU level, developing a social and emotional curriculum with an emphasis on happiness as a basis for motivating students.
To develop training programs for teachers with an emphasis on happiness in order to improve students’ creativity by creating an atmosphere and students’ mindset.
Creating a motivational avatar application is the goal of who will be the main bearer of this project.

Students ages 6-10
Parents of students ages 6-10
Teachers of students who are ages 6-10
Pandemic has affected the physical and mental health of children combined with a serious lack of motivation to learn and to be part of school life in general causing widespread trauma. This has led to poor or below-average education, loss of work routines and habits. (https://tinyurl.com/yr3czep7 )
Teachers should be provided with instructions and training to motivate students, as well as instructions for selecting and implementing happiness curriculum. Teachers usually focus only on students ’academic skills and do not pay attention to the importance of their social and emotional skills.
Gathering good practice across the EU related to teaching about happiness will help to choose which practices and activities really work in order to create a happiness curriculum.
Teachers with adequate training toolkits will be educated and trained to implement that curriculum in schools. Students will learn skills to be motivated and to be involved in school life with a positive attitude. In the same way, by creating a parents guidebook, parents will be aware and willing to cooperate and connect with their children. Together they can find motivation and satisfaction in learning and connecting through positive thinking.
Students would gain social competencies, inspiration for creativity, critical thinking, gain good social behavior habits, high self-esteem and self-efficacy, lower screen time per day, education in an interesting way, learn about what inspires them and makes them happy and motivated.